3.4. ‘Markale’ Market Massacre | The Dayton Peace Accords


‘Markale’ Market Massacre


Survival Map – The Siege of Sarajevo 1992-1996 (© FAMA Collection, 1995/6)

On 28 August 1995, a shell fired by the Army of Republika Srpska landed in front of the main entrance to the Markale market in Sarajevo, killing 43 people and injuring at least 80 others. This was the second time that the Markale market was shelled, causing numerous civilian casualties. 

(Source: United Nations - International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals: The Siege of Sarajevo)

“United Nations Secretary - General Boutros Ghali issued a statement that, typically, meant almost exactly the opposite of what it seemed to say: he ‘unreservedly condemned the shelling’ and ordered his military commanders to ‘investigate this attack immediately and take appropriate action without delay.’ In fact, this was a device to avoid taking action.”

(Excerpts from Richard Holbrooke’s book “To End a War”)

Vahida Tvico, citizen

Video Oral History: The Siege of Sarajevo 1992-1996 (© FAMA Collection, 1997-99)

Survival Map – The Siege of Sarajevo 1992-1996 (© FAMA Collection, 1995/6)

[click to zoom in]